Cactus Blood

In the depths of the valley of the soul,

Where the stream of thoughts fiercely flows,

An untamed spirit magnificently roams,

Wilderness incarnate, unbounded and whole.

She was never the world’s most favourite girl,

And neither did she aim to be the dearest one.

They search for her in gardens full of exquisite roses,

But she belongs to rocky hillsides and barren washes.

Don’t come closer, for you’ll bleed,

Her flowers are prickles, that you don’t desire.

Inside her veins run the Cactus Blood,

An aura of mystery and love, she inspires.

So beautiful, and yet so full of spines,

Her language is that of thorns and spikes.

She creates a beauty of another kind,

A sharp, piercing side of dreams beyond the moonlight.

Strong and fierce, she knows how to survive the rough,

Powerful as the ocean, all about gales and storms.

Crowned with flames, under the tubercular sky,

She burns brighter than the sun, a sight to behold and adore.

Just like Phoenix, she’s burning to ignite,

Stars in her eyes, and an aspiration to soar.

She speaks to the moon and craves passion,

Lives with a heart that is wide-open, never to ignore.

She wears her heart on her sleeves too,

Often told she’s a lot to take,

But taming her spirit is something,

No one is capable to do.

She is a gypsy, the wildest soul,

And the rare ones are not supposed to fit in a role.

The finest things are always stubborn, uncontrollable, and free,

Her chaotic being is her deepest truth, a grand expression of her identity.

The essence of rebellion, you cannot contain her,

She never regrets the most arduous paths she set.

Everything and yet nothing at all,

Whole, but still an empty soul, a paradoxical duet.

Her untamed spirit is a song of freedom, never to be caged,

A grand symphony of life, beautifully and exquisitely staged.

A living, breathing masterpiece, an enigma unfurled,

She is Wilderness, engrossed in the spirit of a girl.

– Maroof

34 thoughts on “Cactus Blood

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  1. Cactus blood, WOW! What a picture the title paints, and the verses, little sharp spikes against a tubercular sky. Arresting. Thanks for following my blog, SheLyon. Hope you have a beautiful day.

    Liked by 1 person

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