Wild Whispers of Love

In lands where dreams weave tales untold,

There trod a maiden, rare, yet bold.

Exotic grace, her spirit bright,

With starry essence, pure delight.

Her aura, a tapestry of vibrant hues,

Kindness woven in each thread she’d choose.

He, entranced, caught in her muse,

Enchanted by the radiance she’d diffuse.

“Come, take my hand, be my guiding light,

Together, we’ll conquer, together, we’ll fight.”

Flattered, yet wary, she gently declined,

“Your offer, dear sir, weaves a deceptive bind.

For I am like the soaring bird,

Free to dance upon fate’s breeze,

To cage my spirit would be absurd,

And confine me to a scripted ease.

You see my wings of fire, my wild waters,

And crave to possess, to mold, as if matters.

But love’s not a chain that fetters,

Nor a game to capture and flatter.

Love, in essence, is wild and free,

Yet, misunderstood, as humans can be.

How can I surrender, and lose all I am,

To fit into the mold of your perfect plan?

Your words may soothe, but I must flee,

For cages aren’t the place for me.

You’d mold me to another’s guise,

Strip me of dreams that reach the skies.

For I am made of dreams, of passions, of goals,

To change me would rob me of my very soul.

So, I’ll hold on to me, though it may seem vain,

For losing myself would be far too great a pain.”

He reached for her hand, with eyes that spoke of truth,

“I cherish your wilderness, your spirit, your youth.

I’ll embrace each wild shade, each untamed grace, do not fear,

For it’s you, in your wildness, I hold most dear.

For once you’d conform, you’d no longer be you,

And I fell for the woman, wild and true.

For in your freedom, my heart takes flight,

In your wildness, I find myself whole, and right.

We’ll tread this path as one, my love,

Bound not by chains, but grace above.

In every storm, in weather fair or rough,

Beside you, I’ll stand, steady and tough.

Through trials deep and skies of gray,

Our love will guide us, come what may.

Hand in hand, we’ll win this race,

Together, bound by love’s embrace.

Do not be afraid, for I’ll be near,

In every joy and every tear.

Our journey’s rhythm, our hearts entwined,

Forever bound, our souls aligned.”

– Maroof

4 thoughts on “Wild Whispers of Love

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  1. Sometimes, we are, too, focused on, changing someone whom we love into, our, visions of what perfect love should be, totally, disregarding, that, the the other individual has her/ his, independently, thinking mind and, a personality that is, different than, our own, and, we still, try to, change the other person, to fit to our, expectations, and that no longer is, love. Maybe, it started out as love, but, it did NOT, end as, love.


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